I am interested in the genetic basis of human oral perception and its impact on nutrient intake. The primary focus of my work is on taste perception with an emphasis on taste discrimination, taste enhancement and suppression, and taste localization. I also study oral irritation/chemesthesis, mouthfeel, and astringency. The interactions among gustation, chemesthesis, and olfaction that comprise flavor are the topic of an ongoing research program that includes fMRI as a tool to understand regional brain involvement. In addition to human research, I conduct parallel genetic studies of the chemical senses and nutrient intake in my Fly Lab, which uses Drosophila melanogaster as a model.
Selected Recent Publications
- Breslin, P.A.S. (2019). Chemical Senses in Feeding, Belonging, and Surviving or Are You Going to Eat That? Cambridge Elements -- Perception. 1-45. ISBN: 978-1-108-71407-5 (PB).
- Hanselman, E.C., Harmon, C.P., Daiyong Deng, D., Sywanycz, S.M., Caronia, L., Peihua Jiang, P. and Breslin, P.A.S. Ibuprofen Inhibits Human Sweet Taste and Glucose Detection Implicating An Additional Mechanism of Metabolic Disease Risk Reduction. British Journal of Pharmacology. (2025) In Press.
- Harmon, C.P., Ahmed, O.M., Breslin, P.A.S. (2024). Amino Acid Bitterness: Characterization and Suppression. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Published Online). PMID: 39352105
- Amado, N.J., Hanselman, E.C., Harmon, C.P., Deng, D., Alarcon, S.M., Sharples, A., Breslin, P.A.S. (2024) The bidirectional modulatory effects of ribonucleotides on oral glutamate detection thresholds. Chemical Senses, 49, bjad049. PMID: 38197318.
- Hanselman, E.C., Kochem, M., Breslin, P.A.S. (2024). Activation and Inhibition of the Sweet Taste Receptor TAS1R2-TAS1R3 Differentially Affect Glucose Tolerance in Humans. PLOS One (Published Online). PMID: 38691547
- Flammer, L.J., Ellis, H., Rivers, N., Coronia, L., Ghidewon, M.Y., Christensen C.M., Jiang, P., Breslin, P.A.S., Tordoff, M.G. (2024). Topical application of a P2X2/P2X3 purinergic antagonist suppresses the bitter taste of medicines and other taste qualities. British Journal of Pharmacology (Published Online). PMID: 38745397
- Frank, H.R., Amato, K., Trautwein, M., Maia, P., Liman, E.R., Nichols, L.M., Schwenk, K., Breslin, P.A.S., Dunn, R.R. (2022). Evolution of sour taste. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 289:20211918. PMID: 35135352
- Breslin, P.A.S., Izumi, A., Tharp, A., Ohkuri, T., Yokoo, Y., Flammer, L.J., Rawson, N.E., Margolskee, R.F. (2021). Evidence that human oral glucose detection involves a sweet taste pathway and a glucose transporter pathway. PLoS One. 16(10):e0256989. PMID: 34614010
- Schwiebert, E., Wang, Y., Xi, R., Choma, K., Streiff, J., Flammer, L.J., Rivers, N., Ozdener, M.H., Margolskee, R.F., Christensen, C.M., Rawson, N.E., Jiang, P., Breslin, P.A.S. (2021). Inhibition of bitter taste from oral Tenofovir Alafenamide (TAF). Molecular Pharmacology. 99, 319-327. PMID: 33824185
- Honarbakhsh, M., Ericsson, A., Zhong, G., Isoherranen, N., Zhu, C., Bromberg, Y., Van Buiten, C., Raskin, I., Malta, K., Joseph, L., Lakey, A., Storch, J., Vetriani, C., Chikindas, M., Breslin, P., Quadro, L. (2021). Subclinical vitamin A deficiency perturbs intestinal barrier functions and fecal microbiome: insights from a tunable mouse model of vitamin A deficiency, Journal of Lipid Research, 13;62:100046. PMID: 33587919
- Hanselman, E.C., Amado, N.J., Breslin, P.A.S. (2021). Oral Signals of Short and Long Chain Fatty Acids: Parallel Taste Pathways to Identify Microbes and Triglycerides. Current Opinions in Physiology, 20: 126-133. PMID: 33738372
- Harmon, C.P., Deng, D., Breslin P.A.S. (2021). Bitter Taste Receptors (T2Rs) are Sentinels that Coordinate Metabolic and Immunological Defense Responses. Current Opinions in Physiology, 20: 70-76. PMID: 33738371
- Lin, C., Colquitt, L., Wise, P., Breslin, P.A.S., Rawson, N.E., Genovese, F., Maina, I., Joseph, P., Fomuso, L., Slade, L., Brooks, D., Miclo, A., Hayes, J.E., Sullo, A., Reed, D.R. (2020). Studies of human twins reveal genetic variation that affects dietary fat perception. Chemical Senses, 45, 467-481. PMID: 32516399
- Goren, L., Zhang, G., Kaushik, S., Breslin, P.A.S., Du, Y.N., Foster, D.A. (2019). (-)-Oleocanthal and (-)-oleocanthal-rich olive oils induce lysosomal membrane permeabilization in cancer cells. PLoS One. 14(8):e0216024. PMID: 31412041
- Hwang, L.D., Lin, C., Gharahkhani, P., Cuellar-Partida, G., Ong, J.S., An, J., Gordon, S.D., Zhu, G., MacGregor, S., Lawlor, D.A., Breslin, P.A.S., Wright, M.J., Martin, N.G., Reed, D.R. (2019). New insight into human sweet taste: a genome-wide association study of the perception and intake of sweet substances. Am J Clin Nutr. 109: 1724- 1737. PMID: 31005972
- Breslin, P.A.S. (2019). Chemical Senses in Feeding, Belonging, and Surviving or Are You Going to Eat That? Cambridge Elements -- Perception. 1-45. ISBN: 978-1-108-71407-5 (PB).
- Wise, P.M, Damani, S., Breslin, P.A.S. (2019). Sodium, but not potassium, blocks bitterness in simple model chicken broths. Journal of Food Science and Technology 56: 3151-3156. PMID: 31205370
- Hwang, L.D., Strike, L.T., Couvy-Duchesne, B., de Zubicaray, G.I., McMahon, K., Breslin, P.A.S., Reed, D.R., Martin, N.G., Wright, M.J. (2019). Associations between brain structure and perceived intensity of sweet and bitter tastes. Behavior Brain Res. 363:103-108. PMID: 30703394
- Ong, J.S., Hwang, D.L., Zhong, V.W., An, J., Gharahkhani, P., Breslin, P.A.S., Wright, M.J., Lawlor, D.A., Whitfield, J., MacGregor, S., Martin, N.G., Cornelis, M.C. (2018) Understanding the role of bitter taste perception in coffee, tea and alcohol consumption through Mendelian randomization. Science Reports, 8::16414. PMID: 30442986
- Hwang, L.D., Gharahkhani, P., Breslin, P.A.S., Gordon, S.D., Zhu, G., Martin, N.G., Reed, D.R., and Wright, M.J. (2018) Bivariate genome-wide association analysis strengthens the role of bitter receptor clusters on chromosomes 7 and 12 in human bitter taste, BMC Genomics, 19:678. PMID: 30223776
- Kochem, M., Breslin, P.A.S. (2017). Clofibrate Inhibits the Umami-Savory Taste of Glutamate. PLOS One. [In Press].
- Hwang, L.-D., Cuellar-Partida, G., Ong, J.-S., Breslin, P.A.S., Reed, D.R., MacGregor, S., Gharahkhani, P., Martin, N.G., Rentería, M.E. (2016) Sweet taste perception is associated with body mass index at the phenotypic and genotypic level. Twin Res. Hum. Genetics, 19: 465-71. PMID: 27492574.
- Peyrot des Gachons, C. and Breslin, P.A.S. (2016) Salivary Amylase: Digestion and Metabolic Syndrome. Current Diabetes Reports, 16:102. PMID: 27640169.
- Hwang, L.D., Breslin, P.A.S., Reed, D.R., Zhu, G., Martin, N.G., Wright, M.J. (2016). Is the Association Between Sweet and Bitter Perception due to Genetic Variation? Chem Senses. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 27506221. - Peyrot des Gachons, C., Avrillier, J., Gleason, M., Algarra, L., Zhang, S., Mura, E., Nagai, H., Breslin, P.A.S. (2016). Oral Cooling and Carbonation Increase the Perception of Drinking and Thirst Quenching in Thirsty Adults. PLoS One, 29;11(9):e0162261. PMID: 27685093.
- Kochem, M., Breslin, P.A.S. (2016). Lipid-Lowering Pharmaceutical Clofibrate Inhibits Human Sweet Taste. Chem Senses. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 27742692.
- LeGendre, O., Breslin, P.A.S., Foster, D.A. (2015) (-)-Oleocanthal rapidly and selectively induced cancer cell death via lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP). Mol. Cell. Oncology, 2(4):e1006077. PMID: 26380379.
- Hwang, L.-D., Zhu, G., Breslin, P.A.S., Reed, D.R., Martin, N.G., and Wright, M.J. (2015) A common genetic influence on human intensity ratings of sugars and high-potency sweeteners. Twin Res. Hum. Genetics, 18: 361-7. PMID: 26181574.
- Campbell, M.C., Ranciaro A., Zinshteyn, D., Rawlings-Goss, R., Hirbo, J., Thompson, S., Woldemeskel, D., Froment, A., Rucker, J.B., Omar, S.A., Bodo, J.M., Nyambo, T., Belay, G., Drayna, D., Breslin, P.A., Tishkoff, S.A. (2014) Origin and Differential Selection of Allelic Variation at TAS2R16 Associated with Salicin Bitter Taste Sensitivity in Africa. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 31: 288-302. PMID: 24177185.
- Wassef, L., Wirawan, R., Chikindas, M., Breslin, P.A.S., Hoffman, D., Quadro, L. (2014) β-Carotene-producing Bacteria Residing in the Intestine Provide Vitamin A to Mouse Tissues In Vivo. J Nutrition, 144, 608-613. [Cover Article] PMID: 24598882.
- Tishkoff, S.A., Campbell, M., Ranciaro, A., Zinshteyn, D., Rawlings-Goss, R., Hirbo, J., Thompson, S., Woldemeskel, D., Froment, A., Omar, S., Bodo, J.M., Nyambo, T., Belay, G., Drayna, D., and Breslin, P.A.S. (2014) Limited Evidence for Adaptive Evolution and Functional Effect of Allelic Variation at rs702424 in the Promoter of the TAS2R16 Bitter Taste Receptor Gene in Africa. J. Human Genetics, 59: 349-52. PMID: 24785689.
- Platte, P., Herbert, C., Pauli, P., Breslin, P.A.S. (2013) Oral perceptions of fat and taste stimuli are modulated by affect and mood induction. PLoS One, 8, e65006. PMID: 23755167.
- Wise, P.M., Breslin, P.A., Dalton, P. (2013) Effect of Taste Sensation on Cough Reflex Sensitivity. Lung. 2013 Oct 31. PMID: 24173385.
- Campbell, M.C., Ranciaro A., Zinshteyn, D., Rawlings-Goss, R., Hirbo, J., Thompson, S., Woldemeskel, D., Froment, A., Rucker, J.B., Omar, S.A., Bodo, J.M., Nyambo, T., Belay, G., Drayna, D., Breslin, P.A., Tishkoff, S.A. (2013) Origin and Differential Selection of Allelic Variation at TAS2R16 Associated with Salicin Bitter Taste Sensitivity in Africa. (2013) Molecular Biology and Evolutio. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 24177185.
- Breslin, P.A.S. (2013) An evolutionary perspective on food and human taste. Current Biology, 23, R409-R418.
- Wise, P.M. and Breslin, P.A.S. (2013) Individual differences in sour and salt sensitivity: Detection and quality recognition thresholds for citric acid and sodium. Chemical Senses, 38: 333-342. PMID: 23413310.
- Coldwell, S., Mennella, J., Duffy, V., Pelchat, M., Griffith, J., Smutzer, G., Cowart, B., Breslin, P.A.S., Bartoshuk, L., Hastings, L., Victorson, D., Hoffman, H. (2013) Gustation assessment using the NIH toolbox. Neurology, 80, Suppl. 3, 1-5.
- Campbell, M.C., Ranciaro, A., Froment, A., Hirbo, J., Omar, S., Bodo, J.-M., Nyambo, T., Lema, G., Zinshteyn, D., Drayna, D., Breslin, P.A.., and Tishkoff, S.A. (2012). Evolution of functionally diverse alleles associated with PTC bitter taste sensitivity in Africa. Molecular Biology and Evolution, . PMID 22130969.
- Mandel, A.L and Breslin, P.A.S. (2012). High endogenous salivary amylase activity is associated with improved glycemic homeostasis following starch ingestion in adults Journal of Nutrition, 142, 853-858. [Cover Article]. PMID 22492122.
- Wise, P.M., Breslin, P.A., Dalton, P. (2012) Sweet taste and menthol increase cough reflex thresholds. Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 25, 236-241 PMID: 22465565.
- Peyrot des Gachons C., Mura, E, Speziale, C, Favreau, C.J, Dubreuil, G.F, Breslin, P.A.S. (2012) Opponency of astringent and fat sensations. Current Biology, 22, R829-R830. PMID: 23058798.
- Veldhuizen, M.G., J. Albrecht, C. Zelano, S. Boesveldt, P. Breslin,and J.N. Lundström (2011). Identification of humangustatory cortex byActivation Likelihood Estimation. Human Brain Mapping, PMID 21305668.NIHMS 250786 [Cover Article].
- Peyrot des Gachons, C., K. Uchida, B. Bryant, A. Shima,J.B. Sperry,L. Dankulich-Nagrudny, M. Tominaga, A.B. Smith, III, G.K.Beauchamp,P.A.S. Breslin (2011). Unusual pungency from extra-virginolive oil isdue to restricted spatial expression of oleocanthal'sreceptor.Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 999-1009. NIHMS 250787 [CoverArticle]
- Peyrot des Gachons, C., G.K. Beauchamp, R.M. Stern,K.L. Koch, P.A.S. Breslin (2011). Bitter taste induces nausea.Current Biology,21, R247-248 PMID 21481757 [Cover Article].
- Wise, P. and P.A.S. Breslin (2011). Relationships amongtastequalities assessed with response-context effects. ChemicalSenses,Published Online. PMID: 21441368.
- Ozdener, M.H., J.G. Brand, A. Spielman, F.G. Lischka,J.H. Teeter, P.A.S. Breslin, N.E. Rawson (2011). Characterization of humanfungiform papillae cells in culture. Chemical Senses,PublishedOnline. PMID: 21471186 [Cover Article].
- Greene, T.A., Alarcon, S., Thomas, A., Berdougo, E.,Doranz, B.J.,Breslin, P.A.S., and Rucker, J.B. (2011) Probenecidinhibits the humanbitter taste receptor TAS2R16 and suppresses bitterperception ofsalicin. PLOS One, 6: e20123. PMID 21629661.
- Campbell, M.C., Ranciaro, A., Froment, A., Hirbo, J.,Omar, S., Bodo,J.-M., Nyambo, T., Lema, G., Zinshteyn, D., Drayna, D., Breslin,P.A.S., and Tishkoff, S.A. (2011). Evolution offunctionally diversealleles associated with PTC bitter taste sensitivity inAfrica.Molecular Biology and Evolution. E-pub PMID 22130969.
- Feng, P., Wang, H., Feldman, R.S., Pribitkin, E.A., P.A.S.Breslin (2010). The T Cells in peripheral taste tissue of healthyhumanadults: Predominant Memory T Cells and Th-1 cells.Chemical Senses,35, 501-509. PMID:20457570. PMCID 2885746.
- Reed, D.R., G. Zhu, P.A.S. Breslin, F.F. Duke, A.K.Henders, M.J.Campbell, G.W. Montgomery, S.E. Medland, N.G. Martin, M.J.Wright(2010). The perception of quinine taste intensity isassociated withcommon genetic variants in a bitter receptor cluster onchromosome 12.Hum Mol Genet. 2010 E-Pub. PMID: 20675712. PMCID: 2951861.
- Mandel AL, C. Peyrot des Gachons, K.L. Plank, S. Alarcon, P.A.S.Breslin (2010). Individual differences in AMY1 gene copynumber,salivary α-amylase levels, and the perception of oralstarch. PLoSOne, 5, e13352. PMID: 20967220. PMCID: 2954178.
- Cicerale, S., Breslin, P. A. S., Beauchamp, G. K., & Keast, R. S. J. (2009, electronic publication). Sensory characterization of the irritant properties of oleocanthal, a natural anti-inflammatory agent in extra virgin olive oils. Chemical Senses. doi:10.1093/chemse/bjp006.
- Feng, P., Yee, K. K., Rawson, N. E., Feldman, L. M., Feldman, R. S., & Breslin, P. A. S. (2009, electronic publication). Immune cells of the human peripheral taste system: Dominant dendritic cells and CD4 T cells. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2009.02.016.
- Peyrot des Gachons, C., Beauchamp, G.K., P.A.S. Breslin (2009). The genetics of bitterness and pungency detection and its impact on phytonutrient evaluation. Annals of New York Of Academy of Science, 1170, 140-144. PMID: 19686123.
- Pitt, J., B. Roth, P. Lacor, M. Blankenship, P. Velasco, F. De Felice, P.A.S. Breslin, & W. L. Klein (2009). Alzheimer's-associated Aβ oligomers show altered structure, immunoreactivity and synaptotoxicity with low doses of oleocanthal. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 240, 189-197. PMCID: PMC2808212.
- Breslin, P. A. S. (2008, electronic publication). Multi-modal sensory integration: Evaluating foods and mates. Chemosensory Perception. doi 10.1007/s12078-008-9021-5.
- Breslin, P.A.S. and A.C. Spector (2008). Mammalian Taste Perception. Current Biology, 18, R148-R155. PMID: 18302913.
- Gordesky-Gold, B., Rivers, N., Ahmed, O. M., & Breslin, P. A. S. (2008). Drosophila melanogaster prefers compounds perceived sweet by humans. Chemical Senses, 33, 301-309.
- Galindo-Cuspinera, V. & Breslin, P. A. S. (2007). Taste after-images: the science of "water tastes". Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 64, 2049-2052.
- Wise, P. M., Hansen, J. L., Reed, D. R., & Breslin, P. A. S. (2007). Twin study of the heritability of recognition thresholds for sour and salty taste. Chemical Senses, 32, 749-754.
- Breslin, P. A. S. & Huang, L. (2006). Human taste: Peripheral anatomy, taste transduction, and coding. Hummel, T. and Welge-Lüssen, A. Advances in Otorhinolaryngology 63, 152-190. Basel, Karger.
- Galindo-Cuspinera, V., Winnig, M., Bufe, B., Meyerhof, W., & Breslin, P. A. S. (2006). A TAS1R receptor-based explanation of sweet 'water-taste'. Nature, 441, 354-357.
- Hakala, M. & Breslin, P. A. S. (2006). Genotypes of the hTAS2R38 receptor predict bitterness of selected vegetables. Current Biology, 16, R792-R794.
- Sandell, M. A. & Breslin, P. A. S. (2006). Variability in a taste-receptor gene determines whether we taste toxins in food. Current Biology, 16, R792-R794.
- Beauchamp, G. K., Keast, R. S. J., Morel, D. L. J., Pika, J., Han, Q., Lee, C.-H. et al. (2005). Ibuprofen-like activity in extra-virgin olive oil. Nature, 437, 45-46.
- Bufe, B., Breslin, P. A. S., Kuhn, C., Reed, D. R., Tharp, C. D., Slack, J. P. et al. (2005). The molecular basis of individual differences in phenylthiocarbamide and propylthiouracil bitterness perception. Current Biology, 22, 322-327.
- Diamond, J., Breslin, P. A. S., Doolittle, N., Nagata, H., & Dalton, P. (2005). Flavor processing: perceptual and cognitive factors in multi-modal integration. Chemical Senses, 30 Suppl 1, i232-i233.
- Diamond, J., Dalton, P., Doolittle, N., & Breslin, P. A. S. (2005). Gender-specific olfactory sensitization: hormonal and cognitive influences. Chemical Senses, 30 Suppl 1, i224-i225.
- Galindo-Cuspinera, V. & Breslin, P. A. S. (2005). The liaison of sweet and savory. Chemical Senses, 31, 221-225.
- Keast, R. S. J. & Breslin, P. A. S. (2005). Bitterness suppression with zinc sulfate and na-cyclamate: a model of combined peripheral and central neural approaches to flavor modification. Pharmaceutical Research, 22, 1970-1979.
- Nagata, H., Dalton, P., Doolittle, N., & Breslin, P. A. S. (2005). Psychophysical isolation of the modality responsible for detecting multimodal stimuli: a chemosensory example. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 31, 101-109.
- Smith, A. B., III, Han, Q., Breslin, P. A. S., & Beauchamp, G. K. (2005). Synthesis and assignment of absolute configuration of (-)-oleocanthal: a potent, naturally occurring non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agent derived from extra virgin olive oils. Organic Letters, 7, 5075-5078.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- 2024 Promoted to Distinguished Professor
- 2022 Elected President of AChemS
- 2021 Bill and Melinda Gates Award for Identifying a Universal Bitterness Blocker
- 2018 Achieved Status of Associate of the Register of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Savantes
- 2016 Bill & Melinda Gates Award for Ameliorating Bitterness of Pharmaceuticals
- 2016 Distinguished Fellow and Scholar of the National Academies of Practice and recipient of the N.A.P. Medal, (The NAP is The National Academies of Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Optometry, Veterinary Medicine, ...)
- 2014 EVONIK ECRP Prize for developing a "Novel Technology for Taste Masking"
- 2014 International Life Sciences Institute, North America service award from the Food, Nutrition, and Safety Program
- 2011 Bill and Melinda Gates Grand Challenges Explorations Award for Childhood Nutrition Research
- 2009 Bill and Melinda Gates Grand Challenges Explorations Award for Malaria Research
- 2007 Twinsdays Medical Research Grant
- 2006 Outstanding Speaker of the Year Award, Society of Cosmetic Chemists
- 2001 American Psychological Association (APA) Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology in the area of perception and motor performance
- 2000 Firmenich International Flavour and Fragrance Award (First Awardee)
- 2000-2002 Conditioned Metabolic Responses to Visual and Gustatory Cues Paired With Caloric Loads, Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Award, PI
- 1996-2001 NIH - FIRST Award, PI
- 1995 Moskowitz Jacobs Inc Award for Research Excellence in the Psychophysics of Taste and Smell
- 1995-1997 Morley R. Kare Fellow
- 1992-1994 NIH - NRSAward, PI