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Sue A. Shapses, Ph.D., RD

Professor of Nutritional Sciences, Rutgers
Director, NEXT Center at the NJ-IFNH
Ph.D. Columbia University, 1988
Sue A. Shapses headshot.

Sue Shapses is a Professor at Rutgers University in the Department of Nutritional Sciences and has a secondary Professor position in the Department of Medicine, Rutgers-RWJ Medical School. She is the Director of the NEXT Metabolism Center (Human Nutrition, Exercise & Metabolism) at the NJ-Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health. She received her MS and PhD from Columbia University followed by postdoctoral training at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and at Columbia University (Orthopaedic Biochemistry) with more recent training in the Department of Endocrinology, University of Sydney. She is a Fellow of the Am Society of Bone Mineral Research and has served on various federal committees including those at the National Institutes of Health, NASA to prevent bone loss on space missions, and the Institute of Medicine (now the Academy of Medicine) to develop the dietary guidelines for vitamin D and calcium. She devotes time to serve as Editor of clinical journals. Most of her research has been funded by the NIH, but also receives funding from the USDA, Foundations and Pharmaceutical companies.

Dr. Shapses’ clinical and translational research emphasizes the endocrine regulation of obesity and osteoporosis with focus area on circadian rhythm, inflammation, gastrointestinal absorption and permeability, and dietary interventions altering metabolism during weight reduction. . A focus in the lab is to determine mechanisms that regulate organs affected during caloric restriction and the role of specific nutrients such as protein, MUFA and vitamin D, on bone metabolism and metabolic health. Studies also examine how specific foods or nutrients, or behavioral interventions affect hormones, bone and cognition with a focus on older adults. Dr. Shapses enjoys teaching medical nutrition and physiology courses to undergraduate and graduate students and mentors' trainees at all levels in the laboratory.

Obesity and overweight

Links to:
Full Biography
NEXT Human Metabolism Center

Selected Articles and Reviews
